We are the Moms for Liberty Santa Clara County, California chapter. We are dedicated to securing and protecting the rights of parents and students, seeing to it that our school boards pay attention to the views of parents, and educating members about our extaordinary founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
View the pdf from our library talk on the queering of education.
Be sure to watch as Dr Jennifer Morse lays out exactly why things are the way they are in our schools today. Learn about the three broad ideologies within the sexual revolution: the contraceptive ideology, the divorce ideology, and the gender ideology.
For more on Dr Morse's teaching, visit the Ruth Institute.
Are you interested in running for school board? Want to work to protect the rights of parents, ensure the proper education of children, and maintain truth in the face of an onslaught of craziness? In short, are you ready to get into the fray? If yes, we stand ready to help!
Moms for Liberty has great resources available for our school board candidate warriors. We know what you're up against here in Santa Clara County, and we want to do what we can to support your candidacy and help you run a successful campaign, so we have three specific items to offer.
It is time. Please join with us. Remember, we are stronger together!
Our half page flier is available for downloading / printing. (The first set below are the half page jpeg images, the second set is the full page pdf, with two fliers per page).
Feel free to use them as you see fit, either as a single or double sided handout or in emails.